Isn't the best way to teach children is by example?
By showing your children that we are all human, that it's okay to make mistakes, that it's okay to admit when we are wrong, you are teaching your children that not everyone is perfect, parents included.
Can a simple apology actually enrich your relationship with your child?
I would rather admit to a failure than fake a "perfect parenthood resume" and risking the lasting hurt of some unkind words directed at a child because I couldn't admit to them that I was wrong.
Is admission of failure going to prepare your children for the reality of life?
Yes, I think so. Everyone is going to let you down at some point. It doesn't mean a relationship has to end because of a mistake. It might actually make it deeper. Forgiving others for mistakes is as important as forgiving yourself, too.
Do you think apologizing to your children is important?
I'd love to hear what your thoughts are on this one... Happy Parenting! xo Jena
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Has the flu hit your house yet? As a day care provider, I miraculously have not gotten sick, but my own kiddo has, and managed to power puke on me at least four times.
While I strive to keep my house very clean, after this week of sickness going around, I did a huge power clean. Kids toys go into the dishwasher basically every day, but when you have a huge batch of toys needing some serious cleaning, here is my tip of the day!
I used Tide Free and Gentle and some bleach, and we were good to go. We have a sanitary cycle on our LG washer, but I worried that would possibly melt the plastic toys, so just went with warm and figured the bleach would do its work.
I don't use bleach often at our house, but it has its place. Around my house, I most often use my favourite vinegar and soap mixture (I think regular Dawn soap works best!)
It's super easy: just a half soap, half vinegar mixture. It really works like a charm! Be sure the surfaces in your house don't react to vinegar. (Eg. Marble)
Do you have any tips for mass clean ups when it comes to toys? I am all ears!!
Happy Flu Season.... Xo Jena |
Ants on a BlogBy Jena Keenan Categories
November 2017